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Wakeley stabbing lies

step one a youth who the system and government has confused with stories of middle east people being terrorists one day and being downcast the next depending on how the americans want them seen. plus the images on tv of police roughing up protestors and other youths especially aboriginals.

step two tear apart child’s home looking for knives and other weapons. kitchen cutlery the police are allowed to call weapons. maybe find movies like Rambo or the exterminator in the home which if influential propaganda. what if like many youths he has interest in mixed martial arts. call them terrorist training camps or at least say the youth has been trained just like in terrorist training camps.

step three find all his mates also doing mma as sport and search there homes and make more arrests.

step four tie this to aboriginals somehow so the Alice Springs problems can be designated terrorist activity.

maybe use the pope to call it an antic catholic holy war attack.

the thing with Elon musk is just a way f or the prime minister to avoid this all being his fault and that of his government. first if there has been all this anti terrorism surveillance of the people allegedly involved then why didn’t they prevent the attack and say they were aware when it happened which is there job after all so clearly its all failed and having lies heaped on to protect politicians. likewise if this video event is so horrible it can cause people harm to watch then why were Australians allowed to film it and upload and export to countries around the world, all of which should sue the PM for exporting such material. when the NBN we were told would protect everyone from such material. Elon should sue PM for financial loses connected to the defamation of Elon and his businesses. after all the purpose of government is to make money off the citizens so follow the money folks. by creating a fear and an enemy to target the politicians take away the rights of the public and never return them you are all still paying the cost of restrictions and surveillance from 9/11 and covid. maybe the government is looking to create some form of concentration camps for some demographic of problem youths maybe work camps to hide these undesirables from public view and save money on cleanup from damage caused by climate change.we need to abolish the current method of government. the posting on any social media platform is no different to ever news outlet in australia so why arent they all being shutdown? why is X being singled out? PM wants money. where are these laws written and defined before being applied? we live in a country now where anything we do the police or politician dislike is only defined as illegal after being arrested. when we are arrested we are presumed guilty unless we can afford the cost of proving innocence. which is futile as the rules change constantly as will the list of lies presented as evidence. this is the country we now find ourselves trapped in with police armed and making threats to everyone hoping someone makes a threatening move they can shoot over and the politicians will weave their coverup.

no doubt theyll chuck in an age limit and licence id check to buy cutlery.

even if they say the people who filmed the attack were not australian citizens they had to have been visitors the government had cleared to be here so again ultimately every aspect shows the government has failed to provide a safe society for everyone. Albos comments of elon is childish behaviour which is unacceptable in any workplace and shouldn’t be tolerated by national leaders for any reason ever and should be an instant sacking without benefits offence. its the worst kind of example for people to follow. since the politicians like to follow Americas lead so why not roll back some of our laws and lock our politicians in public stocks after a public flogging for their anti social anti christian anti Australian behaviour.